What is funded nursing care?

What is FNC funding?

FNC stands for ‘Funded Nursing Care’. NHS-funded nursing care (FNC) means that the NHS will cover designated nursing fees related to the nursing or medical care you receive from a registered nurse during your stay.

Depending on your circumstances, this could be anything from planning your nursing care to carrying out specific tasks.

Is FNC funding available throughout the UK?

Yes, FNC funding is available throughout the UK. However, the country where you reside will determine which authority is responsible for awarding this benefit:

  • England and Wales: FNC is funded by the NHS through local Clinical Commissioning Groups
  • Northern Ireland: Provided by the local Health and Social Care Trusts
  • Scotland: Payments are made by local authorities.

How do I access FNC funding / who actions the application process?

To access FNC payments, you must first undergo an assessment to determine your eligibility for NHS Continuing Healthcare. Typically, this process is initiated automatically by the healthcare professionals managing your care. For example, they may start the assessment if your physical or mental health declines rapidly or following a hospital discharge.

If you are already living in a nursing home, your eligibility for FNC funding should be reviewed annually as part of your nursing needs assessment. Furthermore, you can request an assessment at any time. In this case, your home manager, care worker or GP can assist in initiating the process.

Are there any funding differences for those living in Scotland?

Yes, there are some key differences in funding for those living in Scotland. While each country sets its own weekly contribution payments, limits on FNC allowances, and capital thresholds, Scotland offers a unique benefit—the Personal Care Allowance, which isn’t available elsewhere in the UK.

Once you are awarded the Personal Care Allowance, your Attendance Allowance will cease after the former has been paid for 28 days.

Advice about paying for care

Given the complexities of funding care, it’s crucial to seek professional advice to ensure you’re making the best financial decisions. We strongly recommend consulting a care fees expert who can guide you through your funding options.

To simplify this process, we have contacted Symponia, a national care fees planning specialist focused on the financial challenges of later life, particularly in relation to care fees. You can learn more about how Symponia can assist you and download their helpful handbook for additional guidance.

Download their helpful handbook.



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